Bobbie Tipton Kaltmayer
2 min readApr 12, 2018

Just Freaking Do It!

The time is now. Not later. We procrastinate, we say we’re too busy, we say maybe later. Later arrives no matter what you did while you were getting to later. So, let’s make later now. I mean, what are you freaking waiting for? When you were 15 you had these great ideas. You were going to rule the world. Now you’re older and you’re thinking, “how did I get here?” If you are not where you want to be, let’s take the steps to get there. You can start slow if you want, but just start.

  1. Figure Out What You Want You wanted to be a nurse you’re entire life but you ended up staying home with the kids so your husband could finish school and play the role of provider? Go back to school. I have two very good friends who are going back to school. To fulfill their dreams of being a nurse. I am so freaking proud of them. No excuses. No “it’s too late.” Just do it.
  2. Make a Plan I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Write it down. Come up with a plan so that you can execute it. You can’t get there if you don’t know where you are going. You want to write a novel? Write down ideas and then, and here is the biggest part, follow through. Start writing. There are so many ways to get where you are going. The key is knowing where you want to be.
  3. Action Action Action I’m a big fan of the power of positive thinking and all of the memes and quotes that go with it. But, for real, just thinking and dreaming without action is pointless. I believe you can get what you want and hit all your goals. But you are not going to do that by looking at the internet at others hitting their goals. Get up, take action. It might feel uncomfortable. That’s okay. It’s called growing pains.

So, hey. It’s time. Time for you to get up and do what you need to do to have the fulfilling life you thought you would have when you were 15. It is time to get on with the next adventure in your life. Just Freaking Do It!

Bobbie Tipton Kaltmayer
Bobbie Tipton Kaltmayer

Written by Bobbie Tipton Kaltmayer

In long term recovery. Trying to make my part of the world a little nicer. Published in Love What Matters and For Every Mom.

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